Catholic Charities ASFNM

CCI: In-Kind Donation Center

1215 4th St. NW

🛒🛌🧸In-Kind Donation Center🛒🛌🧸

Mission: To fight poverty, empower families, build community and 

               honor human dignity through a trauma-informed approach!

How:      Together, with the help of volunteers and community partnerships, we 

               provide essentials to vulnerable families, children and individuals! This 

               includes fresh & healthy foods, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, diapers,

               toiletries, home goods, toys & books, beds, linens and furnishing homes.

**The In-Kind Donation Center values volunteers from all races, beliefs, cultures, abilities, ages and socio-economic status. We are a BIPOC / LGBTQ / NeuroDiverse safe space and as such do not tolerate hate, discrimination, stereotyping, or harmful behaviors. Whether you are a retired senior, newcomer from another country, identify within the LGBTQ community, are neurodiverse, in high school or college, single with cats =^.^= or married, we want you to join us this year so we can continue to make a difference in the community we serve. We can only do better when we prioritize ALL community voices and provide opportunities for diverse collaboration! 

Current volunteer opportunities are listed below! If you are a new volunteer please click this link to submit a volunteer application -

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What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
What are the specific days and times you are available to volunteer? (If signing up for a nonscheduled volunteer role)
Do you have any physical restrictions or limitations that may affect your ability to volunteer?


Who is this registration for?

I certify that all information I have supplied in this volunteer application is true, complete, and accurate. I understand that by submitting this application, I authorize inquiries to be made concerning my suitability as a volunteer. It does not guarantee a volunteer position will be assigned. I also give permission for criminal background or other checks, if applicable.

I understand CCASFNM does not unlawfully discriminate in volunteerism and no question on this application is used for the purpose of limiting or excusing any applicant from consideration on a basis prohibited by applicable local, state, or federal law. I agree to read the CCASFNM Volunteer Handbook and attend a New Volunteer Orientation prior to volunteering with the agency.

The Volunteer Program at Catholic Charities agrees:
To orient and train volunteers on the policies and procedures of Catholic Charities or the specific event.
To support and recognize volunteers in the role they have chosen to volunteer in.
To place volunteers in positions that are compatible with their interests and abilities.
To encourage the discussion of any problems that may arise in a volunteer’s interaction with clients.

The Volunteer agrees:
To stay within the boundaries of the Volunteer Job Description.
To be dependable. To notify the appropriate staff if you are running late or unable to volunteer on your scheduled day.
To act responsibly and appropriately. To remember that you are representing the agency to the community.
To adhere to Catholic Charities’ confidentiality policy at all times.
To communicate to the appropriate staff anything of significance regarding the client you are working with.
To record volunteer hours on the volunteer hours form and return this to the Volunteer Coordinator or Program Director by the end of each month.
To provide time, effort, and services to Catholic Charities with a full understanding that there will be no monetary benefits and that ownership of projects worked on remains with Catholic Charities.
To acknowledge any conflict of interest with Catholic Charities when being placed as a volunteer by the agency.
To not enter into any contracts on behalf of the agency or undertake projects or activities not authorized.

Volunteering does not imply or guarantee any offer of employment.
Volunteers may be terminated at any time, for any reason.

Catholic Charities Volunteer Confidentiality Contract

As a volunteer at Catholic Charities, I understand that I may receive, view or hear confidential information from staff, clients, or visitors to the agency.

I agree to hold all information learned through my volunteer service at Catholic Charities in the strictest of confidence. I will discuss this information only with the supervisor of my volunteer placement. I will not discuss any information from my volunteer work with other volunteers or with anyone in my family or in the community.